About BlackPioneers
Black Pioneers as moderated by 'Gbenga Sesan

About Page

Paradigm Initiative Nigeria


About BlackPioneers

With a deep sense of responsibility and indebtedness to the land in which the Master chose to set our origin, I welcome you to this page that contains the informtaion you need about BlackPioneers.

Going straight into the core details, the mission and strategy are as follows:

    "To prepare black men and women for the task of national development, continental impact and global relevance"

    The following seven* (7) phases shall be exploited. They are:

    1. Understanding HISTORY
    2. Discovering the problems of Nigeria (and members' native countries), Africa and the World
    3. Indepth analysis of the situation and further search for solution
    4. Proferring solutions: IT-related, economic, social, administrative, etc
    5. Global Forum for Blacks
      Analysis of proferred solutions, mind rubbing, information sharing, situation reports of different geographical locations, settling standing issues, way forward.

      Have a Press Release, Communique for governments and other bodies, and generally prepare for a Reformation!
      This meeting would hold at the decision of the general house, a committee shall be set up to oversee protocols and logistics, format, etc. The time, venue, date and audience would also be decided by the house. Goals would be considered at this gathering for proper allocation of duties, synergism and implementation.

    *Beginning with phase 1, a quorum or general agreement, plus administrator's approval, would decide a move to the next phase. The global forum shall be tagged Back II Africa.

Let's Kick Off!

The principle of preparation before examination will remain relevant one way or the other.

We will take off ie commence intense work by January 1, 2002 in order to leave room for:

  • General publicity
  • Making the vision plain
  • Questions, Answers and correspondence

Please see www.pin.itgo.com for an application of the BlackPioneers principle - Paradigm Initiative Nigeria.

Let's talk!

See 'Gbenga Sesan's Home Page